"The 2nd Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly
for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons"

C/o Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace
7-8 Hirano-machi Nagasaki 852-8117 Japan
Tel: +81-(0)95-844-3975 Fax: +81-(0)95-846-5170
e-mail: gca.naga@viola.ocn.ne.jp
Website: http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~gca.naga/

1. Title:
"The 2nd Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons"

2. Purpose:
To discuss how to realize the elimination of nuclear weapons leading up to the 2005 NPT Review Conference, cooperating with worldwide NGOs and global citizens who wish for world peace without nuclear weapons.

3. Sponsorship:
The event is being hosted by the Organizing Committee of the Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

4. Schedule:

Nov. 22 Sat) (a.m) Workshops (1) Forum for Nuclear-Free Zone Local Authorities
  (2) ) Forum for Journalists
  (p.m) Opening Session Keynote Addresses
Welcome Gathering
Nov. 23(Sun) (a.m) Workshops

(3) Nuclear Weapon free Zones and Nuclear Umbrella

  (4) ) The US Nuclear Posture Review
  (5)Peace Education and Culture of Peace
  (p.m) Workshops (6) Forum for Parliamentarians for Nuclear Disarmament
  (7) ) Activities of NGOs
  (8) Forum for the Atomic Bomb Survivors
Movie Presentation by "Ten Feet Movement"
Nov.24(Mon) (a.m)   Showing of Local Anti-Nuclear TV Programs
  Field Excursion to A-Bombed Sites
  (p.m) Closing Ceremony Workshop Reports
  Adoption of Nagasaki Appeal
  Portrait Walk      

5. Displays:
Photos and drawings of Hibakusha all around the world

6. Programs by NGOs:
Meetings, displays, and performances by NGOs

7. Participants:
(1) International Guests (2) International NGOs (3) Domestic NGOs (4) Citizens of Nagasaki Prefecture

8. Composition of the Organizing Committee:
Citizens, Nagasaki Prefecture, Nagasaki City, and the Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace